Wednesday 27 March 2013


Here we are, the last Wednesday in March and where exactly is the spring huh? This dreary weather is so depressing. :o(

Anyway, what’s on my workdesk? Well, I’m getting nicely ahead with my cards for Beat the Christmas Rush and as you can see I’m working on the next lot.


I’ve used a digi image Bringing Home the Wreath by Mo Manning not something I usually use, but I saw this one on Pinterest and liked it a lot easel cards I found skulking in the cupboard, My Mind’s Eye All is Bright papers and some gorgeous buttons made by SusiBee in the jar on the right.

I’m off to join Julia’s blog hop round some great workdesks … see you there?

Sue x


scrappymo! said...

Lovely Christmas card...Adding to your finished Christmas card bin month by month!

Jill said...

I have finished most of this year's Christmas cards (she said smugly! I'll let you into a secret, I made so many last year that I have loads left over!) Happy WOW day! Jill x

Neet said...

I have never used a digi image but I think this is adorable. Can see I would use it too.
Fabulous cards.
Thanks for stopping by and Happy WOYWW/Easter to you
Hugs, Neet xx 1

Words and Pictures said...

Oh, I love that image, and your colouring is yummy! You'll be well ahead of the Christmas rush at this rate, though this year, they'd also work as White Easter cards! I've missed a few, but happy to be back (and with my mother in tow this time!)... Happy WOYWW!
Alison x

Unknown said...

With all this snow around, it feels a lot like Christmas! I'm impressed you're so organised. Thanks for sharing and Happy Woyww Liz @ 69

susibee said...

Gosh, you are getting ahead of yourself, those cards aren't due until the 25th April! Lovely image and easel cards are so effective.

Happy WOYWW Susi #74

BJ said...

If only I could get my act together to make some Christmas cards before the great day, well done. BJ#67

My name is Cindy said...

Nice - it's quite easy to do Christmas cards with this freezing weather isn't it? So fed up with it! I have made a few crimbo cards but need to get a wriggle on, it's a lot less stressful if you do some early in the year. I also think you have different ideas or things you are trying - if you leave it till December they end up a bit formulaic cos they need to done! Anyhow keep warm, hope you don't have snow and Happy Easter,Cindy #91

The House of Bears said...

What a lovely image for your cards this month, you'll have such a great collection come December.

Waving hi from the bears @#96 this week.

Heathers Inspiration said...

Wonderful, love mixing digi and handmade - looks super x
Happy WOYWW heather #86

ria gall said...

what a lovely image and your colouring has really brought it to life.
Have a really great WOYWW day, and Happy Easter to you and yours
Ria #94

Anonymous said...

Nooooooo! Just step away from the red and green! It is WAY TO EARLY to be this ahead of the game. I'll check back in NOVEMBER when I start thinking about that holiday :)

Mary Anne (5)

sharon said...

Cards are looking great wish I was as organised as you. x


Lynn Holland said...

Christmas no no no, I haven't had summer yet.
Have a nice Easter

April said...

Wow! look at you getting all ready for Christmas! Well done! Lovely cards. x April #89

Marit said...

So here you are... at #29... and all Chrismassy on your desk * hehe* Well, the weather sure looks like it's the season, but I do hope to see Spring-Summer-Fall before we go carry christmastrees around... Happy woyww/Easter! Marit #85

Francesca said...

Now that is a bit early for me, however do love the image you have used. the cards look fab. thanks for stopping by. Francesca #79

Lunch Lady Jan said...

That's a fun card with the sticky up bit at the top! But the one I really love (and might do with the kids at school next Christmas) is the rolled up paper Xmas tree in an earlier post. That is such a clever idea...and easy to do as well :) that's about all the paper crafting I am capable of!!
Hugs, LLJ 59 xxxx

Jaki Morris said...

Oh my! Christmas cards? I can't even begin to think about making them til at lease September!
They are lovely though

Jakix #129

Karen said...

Fab cards Sue - you are doing really well with the BTCR. Keep up the good work :) xx

Caro said...

Christmas cards!! Lovely, but far too early for me...I don't start until November. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x #73

Unknown said...

You are going to be so far ahead! Hope you don't forget where you put the Christmas cards.

Gibby Frogett said...

Fabulous digi-image, love your cards. Happy WOYWW and Happy Christmas... I mean Easter..Gill x #75

fairy thoughts said...

oh no sorry I cant handle the C word it is the second time this week... spring ... bring it on
have a happy easter
janet #16

Unknown said...

Looking gorgeous as usual Sue :) xxx

Pallavi said...

I know how you feel about the winter I am sooo ready to skip spring and get to summer already! Love your cards!! It's so cute! Happy WOYWW

Borqna said...

Lovely Christmas cards!
Good luck!


G'day Sue
I'm new to WOYWW and am slow at getting around to visit but I am enjoying looking in on others creative spaces like yours :o. Oh goodness Christmas cards already LOL...good for you...its a lovely card though. Just wish I was that prepared LOl
Annette In Oz #132

Christine said...

Love your easel cards :) Might have to have a go at this x

Alison Scott said...

Great cards. Smashing to get ahead.
Thanks for your visit this week.

Unknown said...

I love these, they are fab.