Friday 29 May 2015

Beat the Christmas Rush

With everything I have going on now how did I ever have time to go to work? I've reluctantly decided that something must give, so I am going to finish BtCR. Thank you to everyone who has joined in over the years.

The lovely Krafty Karen has kindly agreed to take over Beat the Christmas Rush on her own blog. Please do support her with links to your Christmas cards. Thanks so much Karen.

Friday 1 May 2015

Sketch Challenge May 1-31

May sketchSophia
Well I hope that nice weather we had in early April wasn’t summer! It’s blimmin’ freezing here today! Anyway, here we go with the sketch for May’s challenge…

…  as always use the sketch as your starting point and see where it takes you. Use the linky to show me where your page is stored your blog, your gallery, photo hosting website or FB if I am a friend and I’ll chose my favourite to receive one of my page kits.

SarahFrom last month’s fab line up I have chosen this gorgeously pretty page by Sarah – isn’t it just delicious?

Sarah – I’ll bring your kit to the crop. Smile

The small print … please only link new layouts. You must mention my blog in your post(s) and link to the challenge.  It’s not necessary, but I’ll be delighted if you join my blog as a follower. If you are linking from your gallery on UKS, please copy and paste the URL address at the top of the page which starts … it won’t work with any of the links below the text box.