Monday 1 December 2014

December/January Sketch Challenge

First of all, my apologies for the lateness of this post – my printer decided to have a hissy fit yesterday and it has taken my very techy husband all afternoon to get it to work again. Bless him he has fixed it now and I have been able to scan the sketch. So here goes with our last sketch challenge for 2014 …

Boosketch scan

So how many of you will be brave enough to put the circles over your photos? LOL You don’t have to, of course! My challenge to you is to use the sketch as your starting point and go where your imagination and creativity take you. Link me up to your blog, gallery or FB page, via the linky thingy below. Please be sure to link to my challenge in your post or gallery text box. I’ll choose my favourite and send the winner one of my crop kits you can see them on the page tab at the top of my blog.


My favourite page from last month’s super linkies was this one by loyal joiner-in of my challenges, Janetlinda.

Janet - please have a look at the kits on the page tab above and choose one for your prize then email your address to sue at suehr dot fsnet dot co dot uk
The small print … please only link new layouts. You must mention my blog in your post(s) and link to the challenge.  It’s not necessary, but I’ll be delighted if you join my blog as a follower. If you are linking from your gallery on UKS, please copy and paste the URL address at the top of the page which starts … it won’t work with any of the links below the text box
