Wednesday 20 March 2013


Wednesday again and I guess you are here to see what’s going on with my workdesk. Well … I’ve been busy organising and I am going to show you my drawers!

If you visited last week you’ll know I spotted in the blog post photograph that the labelling of my Distress Inks was a job half-done. Now it is finished. Yay! I was browsing as you do the stationery shelves in Tesco and saw these two-drawer boxes reduced to half price a £2 bargain so I couldn’t leave it there, could I? Distress Inks fit in there perfectly result!


To finish things off, I stole an idea from my friend, Laura, and put a bit of Velcro on the back of each one to attach its own pad. I think I need to put a piece of something between each one as the tops are getting ink from the one above if you see what I mean? I’ll rethink that and report back. :o)

20.03.13 3 

Anyway … here are my completed drawers …20.03.13 1 I’m off to Julia’s place to visit some more workdesks. You coming too?

Sue x

ETA to answer a couple of questions – yes, I do keep the box on its side as I’m not sure about storing the ink pads upright. I’d hoped I could turn the drawers, but they aren’t quite square. :( And I’ve temporarily solved the ink pad problem by slotting a square of paper from my scraps box in between each one. My OCDness doesn’t like it much and I‘m going to replace them with neat white card with the name of each ink written on it – a useful reminder I thought for how the colour looks on card. HTH.


Suzy said...

Fab storage idea Sue and such a bargain price too

akilli melek said...

those drawers are much more sophisticated than my empty washing tab tub that i keep mine in. Good idea with the labels. Do the inks do OK when stored on their side?
caroline #99 (akilli melek)

Eliza said...

What a brilliant set of drawers and I love the idea about the velcro on the underneath to hold the sponge, hhhhmmm let me know if you have a solution to the down side. LOL

Are you going to decorate the boxes too?

Eliza 24

Lindsay Weirich said...

Do you flip the box of drawers on it's side to store so the ink dosn't selttlle to the edge? I love how neatly they fit! great find! Happy WOYWW! Lindsay #95

scrappymo! said...

What a fabulous idea and the drawers were such a great bargain!

I don't have a solution for the down side problem but I sure like your idea about the white card with the colour shown and the name written out!

Maria said...

love the storage and the labelling!

susibee said...

I love those drawers and have 10 sets and keep my ribbons in them. What a shame you can't store the ink pads the other way.

Happy WOYWW Susi #67

Anonymous said...

It helps a LOT to have them labelled, I promise you. A task well worth doing even if it's a little tedious :)


MA (4)

Chrysalis said...

Hi - those boxes look like a great find at Mr T. I reckon storage is a problem common to all us crafters. Thanks for visiting me for WOYWW today. I've enjoyed reading through your fab blog, particularly as I'm just exploring the world of art journaling for the first time. Have a great week xx

Unknown said...

Looks fab and so easy to use :) xxx

Heathers Inspiration said...

Great organisation x
Love your new boxes :)
Happy WOYWW and have a great week Heather#133

The House of Bears said...

Well they're much neater than the plastic box ours are thrown into. They do get tidied once every pinstriped moon, but they soon become messy again. We may have to visit the wondrous Mr. Tesco.

Waving hi from the bears @#75

Gibby Frogett said...

Hi Sue, thanks for visiting earlier. Super storage and what a great bargain too.. I've just turned my distress pads upside down, might be running out - always hard to know what way up ink pads should go...Happy WOYWW... Gill x #41

Jill said...

Really love your idea for keeping your distress inks, think a visit to Tesco is on the cards!! Happy WOW day. Jill x

Christine said...

Love the storage boxes :) Think you've given me the bug to sort out my ink pads & sprays :) x

ria gall said...

great storage and a great price a win win situation. I am so glad you added the bit about turning it on it's side because you do need to store them flat or the ink will all run to one end
Have a wonderful WOYWW
Ria #44

Unknown said...

Great idea & the drawers are fab, what a bargain. xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue thanks for popping by and for keeping your fingers crossed for me! I love to see a great storage solution. I actually think it wouldn't matter if you did store the inks on their sides. I seem to remember that Tim Holtz said that there is no benefit to storing distress inks upside down as the ink is suspended in the felt and only moves when you squish the felt - by that token it wouldn't matter if they were on their sides either. Why not uses squares of acetate (old packaging) in between the inks? Great job - what a bargain too. Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 36

Maisie Moonshine said...

Great DI storage - and a bargain too! MMx #50

lisa said...

Right I'm off to Tesco's to get me some of those drawers, love them. What great storage. You are so organised with your foam stored with the right ink. I'm still looking for a better solution to mine just chucked in a box!!!
Hugs Lisax#71

Hettie said...

I have and do store my DIs on their sides and not had any harm come upon them! In fact Tim Holtz says there is no reason not to!
I also kept the pads underneath using velcro and the lids got inked, but I just call that distressing!!
Thanks for your visit. Glad you like my lace!
Hettie 66

Karen said...

Fab boxes Sue - what a find, eh? I shall be scouring Tesco shelves asap x

SandeeNC said...

LOVE that box, which is just begging to be altered too! I keep my TH pads velcro'd to my ink pads too, makes it so much easier! Thanks for visiting me today, waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

tuesday afternoon said...

Love your storage box idea, now you just need to keep it near, I use mine every day. Happy belated WOYWW

Claudia N. said...

Clever and cool storage solution!!!!!

Have a wonderful crafty week!

die amelie xx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

A perfect fit for the DIs. Mine are stacked in one of those sets of metal drawers from Ikea. I keep a piece of Cut 'n' Dry for each colour group and rinse out between uses. They're just thrown in a tub! Thanks for stopping by yesterday.
Fiona x

Karen leonard said...

I totally love your bargain drawers x

Unknown said...

what a great idea may need to do this myself,just joined the bloghop over on creative craft theresa

shazsilverwolf said...

Thats reminded me I picked up some similar ones from Matalan a while ago- heaven knows what I did with them, haven't seen them for ages! Have a great week, Shaz #77